British Luke Richardson becomes the youngest man EVER to lift over 1000kg
Last weekend 21 year old Luke Richardson secured his name among the world's best lifters at the British Powerlifting junior championships. Competing in the 120kg+ class, Luke lifted a staggering 1000.5kg total – making him the youngest man in the world to break the 1000kg mark, an accolade held by US powerlifting icon Eric Lillibridge since 2012, when he totalled 1000kg aged just 22.
A few factors make Luke's total even more impressive. First, Luke lifted without the help of knee wraps, unlike Lillibridge, which can add a good 20kg to the squat. Second, British Powerlifting competitions run under IPF rules, which are the strictest in the world on everything from equipment, to squat depth, to drug testing. Meaning Luke was competing directly against lifters in untested federations where steroid use is open and encouraged.
In the squat Luke smashed a massive 400kg, setting a new British Powerlifting record in the process.
Bench Press
For bench Luke sailed through an easy looking 220.5kg.
Finally, Luke deadlifted 380kg – breaking his previous Junior IPF world record by 10kg, and looking like he had at least another 10kg in the tank.
Luke's achievement comes just days after another British lifter, Sam Parker, became the first in the country to hit a 1000kg total, competing under the non-IPF affiliated British Powerlifting Union.
With these kinds of numbers at just 21 it seems certain that Luke's on track to become one of the best lifters of all time.
Photos/Videos: Luke Richardson/Instagram